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Vandellòs town festival

In honour of Sant Cosme and Sant Damià, patron saints of the town, the 'Fiesta' of Vandellòs is held at the end of September.

The festival always begins with the ringing of the bells and ends with the fireworks. During those days, we organise more than forty events, among which the traditional ones stand out. For example, the popular Clotxada (where we eat the traditional clotxa), the Correfoc (fire run), the exhibition of giants, the Sardanes (typical Catalan dance), the ball with orchestra and the children's Correfoc and the ‘Bèsties de Foc’ show.

There are also a number of activities aimed at the youth (a popular dinner, musical performances, disco-mobile, tournaments, etc.).

In addition, another important festival is also held in Vandellòs mid-May, with the town's associations taking centre stage: the Festa de la Germandat (Brotherhood Festival). Don't miss it either!